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Ingiltere de Vize Consultancy

Olağanüstü Yetenek Vizesi Yetenek Vizesi, 8 Ağustos 2019’da İçişleri Bakanlığı’nın Tier 1 Olağanüstü Yetenek Rotasının yerini alacak yeni bir göçmenlik vizesi başlatacağı açıklandı. Bilim, teknoloji, mühendislik ve benzeri alanlarda beceri ve deneyime sahip kişiler (STEM alanları) başvuruda bulunmaya uygun olacaktır. Bunu, İngiltere’nin “dünyanın en iyi beyinlerini” çekmesini ve “Birleşik Krallık’taki entelektüel ve bilgi tabanını” geliştirmesini […]

Certificate Programs in the UK

Certificate Programs in the UK English education institutions stand out for their long years of experience in language education. It is possible to find certificate and diploma programs combined with language training. Acceptance conditions are more common in the UK than in many other countries. Certificate and diploma programs in the UK are offered in […]

Personal Education Coaching Consultancy in the UK

Personal Education Coaching Consultancy in the UK Training The coach is the person who guides, guides and informs him / her in order to improve the success of his / her education. I mean from education life; school lessons and written exams, preparation for university exams, as well as guidance for future occupations, departments and […]

Primary and Secondary Education in England

Primary and Secondary Education in England The education system in England is divided into four main sections: primary education, secondary education, further education and higher education. Children in the United Kingdom are legally obliged to attend primary and secondary education from the age of 16 to the age of 16. The education system in the […]

High School Education Programs in England

High School Education Programs in England High school education in the UK is normally completed at the age of 16, and students who have completed school education enter the GCSE (General Certificate of Seconary Education) examination and graduate with the same name. GCSE in Turkey is considered equivalent to a high school diploma. While you […]

University Programs in the UK

University Programs in England Undergraduate studies in the UK usually last three years. Programs such as medicine, dentistry and architecture are sometimes longer, depending on the school. Undergraduate training generally starts every year as of the end of September – beginning of October. At the very beginning, some schools start as an exception in January […]

Post Graduate Programs in the UK

Post Graduate Programs in the UK Post-Graduate / Master training in the UK lasts between 1 and 3 years. This is the period for full-time training. part-time option to twice the average duration of full-time despite the existence in many universities, Turkish students are international students from yararlanamamakt scope of this right because of visa […]

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